Do you often find yourself running out of time? Having difficulty organizing your day and procrastinating, or staying on track? If so, this eight-week program for adults 18 and older will help you develop the tools you need to regain control of your day and improve your quality of life. Executive functioning skills allow individuals to prioritize tasks and correctly sequence needed behaviors to complete them efficiently. Skills like planning and organizing are crucial to success at work, school, and in daily life. At every stage of development, these skills are necessary to manage and thrive at home and work.
Through this program, you will learn skills such as:
- Planning and prioritizing
- Time management
- Self-monitoring
- Response inhibition and impulse control
- Emotional control
- Task initiation
- Goal-directive persistence
- Improve working memory
- Flexibility
Facilitator: Meredith Kudrick, LCSW
This group therapy program will be billed to your health insurance.