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Brain Trust

Innovative treatment for cancer of the brain and spine

When Arizona Senator John McCain was recently diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive form of brain cancer that spreads and invades into normal brain tissue, the story sparked a national conversation about brain tumors. While brain cancer is a relatively rare disease, it is also one of the most complex to manage.

The National Brain Tumor Center, part of Capital Institute for Neurosciences, offers sophisticated care for patients with brain and spinal tumors. Led by Dr. Navid Redjal, director of Neurosurgical Oncology, and Dr. Roy Patchell, director of Neuro-Oncology, the Center is equipped with the dedicated resources that are necessary for this highly specialized care (including a dedicated neurosurgical intensive care unit, cutting edge neurosurgical technology, and precision radiation with CyberKnife® radiosurgery). The program brings together extensive resources, expertise, and experience in order to provide patients with the most accurate and comprehensive diagnosis for primary and metastatic brain tumors, with treatment plans tailored to the individual patient. Working in close coordination with the specialists in the Capital Health Cancer Center, patients are treated by a true multidisciplinary team that meets weekly to discuss patients and the best plan for their care.

Helping lead the center is Dr. Patchell who through his groundbreaking research helped establish the standard of care for patients who suffer from these conditions. Both Dr. Patchell and Dr. Redjal have strong backgrounds in innovative cancer research, and their commitment to advancing brain tumor care is what drives the Center to constantly pursue new treatment techniques and identify research that will give patients access to both national trials and trials unique to Capital Health.

Roy A Patchell“When we established the National Brain Tumor Center at Capital Health in 2014, one of our primary goals was to make cutting-edge care more accessible to patients outside urban centers like Philadelphia or New York,” said Dr. Patchell. “Our team of neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, radiation oncologists, nurses, and others has accomplished many great things for patients throughout our region and beyond. I have no doubt we’ll continue to push the boundaries of care and develop even better methods of treatment.”

Navid Redjal“It’s exciting to be part of something that is changing the way we treat patients with brain and spinal tumors,” said Dr. Redjal, who joined the Center in the summer of 2017. “As part of the Capital Institute for Neurosciences, the National Brain Tumor Center is committed to providing community-focused, patient-centered care to the Mercer and Bucks counties and surrounding areas. You don’t need to sacrifice personalized care, or travel long distances, to see the best doctors.”

The National Brain Tumor Center is located at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell and includes outpatient offices, radiology department, and the Capital Health Cancer Center. The surgical team from the National Brain Tumor Center operates at Capital Health Regional Medical Center in Trenton, where the tertiary level neuroscience surgical and intensive care services are based.

To make an appointment with a brain tumor specialist, call 877-601-NBTC (6282). For more information about the advanced treatment options available at Capital Health’s National Brain Tumor Center, visit