Information Technology Security Incident

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The da Vinci® Surgical System

Only da Vinci® overcomes the limitations of both traditional open surgery and conventional minimally invasive surgery.

The da Vinci System® is a sophisticated robotic platform designed to expand the surgeon’s capabilities – and for the first time – offer a minimally invasive option for major surgery.


With da Vinci®, small incisions are used to introduce miniaturized wristed instruments and a high-definition 3-D camera. Seated comfortably at the da Vinci® console, your surgeon views a magnified, high-resolution 3-D image of the surgical site

At the same time, state-of-the-art robotic and computer technologies scale, filter and seamlessly translate your surgeon's hand movements into precise micro-movements of the da Vinci® instruments.

The system cannot be programmed, nor can it make decisions on its own. Rather, the da Vinci® System requires that every surgical maneuver be performed with direct input from your surgeon.

To learn more about the da Vinci® Surgical System, read about da Vinci Features.