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Important Safety Information

The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for a thorough discussion with your doctor about whether surgical treatment with the da Vinci® Surgical System is right for you. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure and individual results may vary. Surgery with the da Vinci® Surgical System may not be appropriate for every individual. if you are a patient, consult with a qualified physician familiar with the da Vinci® Surgical System about treatment options that may be appropriate for your medical condition.

Indications for use

The da Vinci® Surgical System is indicated for assistance in minimally invasive urological and general laparoscopic surgical procedures; gynecologic laparoscopic surgical procedures; general non-cardiovascular thoracoscopic surgical procedures; and thoracoscopically-assisted cardiotomy. The da Vinci® Surgical System may also be used with an auxiliary incision to perform cardiac revascularization under certain circumstances. The System is intended for use by trained physicians in an operating room environment in accordance with the representative, specific procedures set forth in its professional Instructions for Use.

Contraindications for use

Any and all factors that would make the use of conventional minimally invasive instruments and surgical technique unadvisable also apply to the use of the da Vinci® Surgical System. General contraindications to minimally invasive surgery may include bleeding disorders, history of prior surgery, pregnancy and significant cardio-pulmonary conditions.

Alternative treatment options

Although the da Vinci® Surgical System is considered safe and effective, it may not be appropriate for every individual, as an individual’s circumstances may preclude using minimally invasive techniques or suggest other treatment options. Always ask your doctor about all treatment options that may be appropriate for your medical condition, as well as their risks and benefits. If you have questions about the da Vinci Surgical System or a da Vinci procedure, consult with a qualified physician familiar with the da Vinci® Surgical System.

Conversion to non-minimally invasive technique

Environmental or equipment failures may cause the da Vinci® Surgical System to be unavailable, and may require your doctor to convert to alternative surgical techniques. Ask your doctor about the potential risk of such conversions.

Surgeon training

The da Vinci® Surgical System should be used only by surgeons who have developed adequate robotic skills to perform the tasks associated with each procedure and who have received specific training in the use of the da Vinci® Surgical System. We encourage patients to investigate your surgeon’s training and experience by searching the American Medical Association's (AMA) "Directory of Physicians in the U.S." and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) "Official Directory of Board Certified Medical Specialists".