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Capital Health's Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program provides a comprehensive outpatient exercise and education program for individuals with symptomatic lung disease—including but not limited to:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • emphysema
  • chronic bronchitis
  • pulmonary fibrosis

Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program can help you reduce and control the symptoms and complications related to lung disease as well as improve and enhance your quality of life.

Our team of physicians, registered nurses, exercise physiologists, and registered respiratory therapists develop an individualized program based on results of pulmonary function tests, medical history, personal needs and goals. A customized exercise program is developed based on your abilities and limitations. This generally includes training of arm and leg muscles to enhance your performance of routine daily activities as well as breathing retraining to strengthen your breathing muscles. During each exercise session, all activities are carefully structured and monitored.

Monitoring includes:

  • Continuous EKG and Heart Rate via Telemetry
  • Blood Pressure Checks
  • Pulse Oximetry (Oxygen Monitor)

Education plays an essential role in our program and is provided through group and individual interaction. Loved ones are encouraged to participate as well.

Some of the topics include:

  • Nutrition and Lung Disease
  • Breathing Retraining
  • Infection Prevention/Bronchial Hygiene
  • Oxygen Use
  • Respiratory Medications
  • Stress Management
  • Conserving Energy

Every participant meets with our registered dietitian to address any individual needs.

Participants attend sessions twice each week. The length of the program varies and depends on each individual’s needs and goals.

Click here to download our brochure.

How To Start

Talk to your physician. Pulmonary function tests and a written referral from your physician are required prior to beginning the program.

The next step is to schedule an interview with our Pulmonary Rehabilitation staff. Call 609-537-6420 to schedule your appointment. During the interview, a detailed health history is obtained and you are given more information about the program.

About Our Facility

Capital Health’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is located in the new state-of-the-art Wellness Center located on the fourth level of Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell. Participants are encouraged to use the free valet parking service by driving up to the main entrance at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell. Once there, take the green elevator up to the fourth level and our center is located next to the elevators. Our facilities have a full complement of aerobic exercise equipment and free weights. Locker and shower facilities are available.

Maintaining Your Progress

Once you complete the program, Capital Health offers a maintenance program so that you can continue your program in a structured medical environment. Home exercise guidelines are provided to ensure a safe routine while exercising either at home or at a health club.


Most insurance carriers cover the cost of this program, however some providers may require a copay or limit coverage to a certain number of visits. Please check with your insurance provider regarding coverage for pulmonary rehabilitation.

Contact Us

For more information about our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, call 609-537-6420.