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General Information About Physical Therapy

Physical therapist

A physical therapist is a licensed healthcare professional. Physical therapists have completed baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral level education at specialized, accredited educational programs. The programs prepare therapists to practice physical therapy with patients of all ages, with varied physical disabilities and impairments.

Physical therapist assistant

A physical therapist assistant is a licensed healthcare provider. Physical therapist assistants have completed associate’s level education at specialized, accredited educational programs. The programs prepare physical therapist assistants to provide treatment with physical therapist supervision to patients of all ages, with varied physical disabilities and impairments.

How to get started

  1. Ask your physician for a prescription for “Physical Therapy Evaluation & Treatment.” Be sure that your physician includes your diagnosis on the prescription.
  2. Call us for an appointment:
    Center for Outpatient Rehabilitation – Hopewell: 609-303-4700
    Center for Outpatient Rehabilitation – Trenton: 609-278-5482
  3. Insurance: Most major insurances are accepted, but insurance coverage varies from plan to plan. Please check your policy for information on referrals and coverage of services. If you have a question as to whether your insurance covers therapy or whether you can come to our facility for therapy, please call the phone number on your insurance card. Some questions that you may want to ask are:
    • Is therapy for the problem I have covered under my plan? (You will need to give the agent your diagnosis as it is written on your prescription)
    • Do I need authorization for therapy?
    • Will I have a co-pay for each visit? If so, what is the cost per visit?
    • Do I have a deductible? If so, how much do I still need to pay to meet the deductible amount?
    • Will I have a balance due (coinsurance) after insurance pays the bill?
    • Do I have a limited number of visits in any period of time? If so, how many?
    Click here to print out our insurance helper and bring it with you to your first visit.

What to expect on day 1 of therapy

  1. Registration: On your first day, you will need to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to your appointment time. If you are receiving therapy at the Hopewell location, you must stop at “Outpatient Registration” prior to proceeding to the therapy department. At time of registration, you must have:
    • ID
    • Insurance card(s)
    • Prescription for physical therapy
    • Insurance referral (if required by your insurance) 
  2. Intake Information: Upon arrival to the therapy department, you will be asked to fill out a summary sheet regarding your past medical history and your current medical/physical condition. You can print this summary sheet and fill it out prior to coming to your appointment.
  3. What to Wear: Although no specific attire is required, it is recommended you wear comfortable clothing and footwear. Hospital gowns can be provided when necessary.