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A Word About GERD

One out of four people who suffer from heartburn are experiencing symptoms that may indicate a more serious, chronic condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

“Patients with mild GERD symptoms can typically find relief through lifestyle changes or medication. However, if symptoms are more severe or persist despite medication, patients and their physicians should seek further testing to see if more advanced treatment is necessary,” said Dr. Jason Rogart , an interventional gastroenterologist and director of the Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Program at the Capital Health Center for Digestive Health. Capital Health is the only center in New Jersey to offer Stretta Anti-Reflux Therapy for GERD. Stretta is a safe alternative to medical and surgical therapy for GERD that is performed in less than 60 minutes on an outpatient (same-day) basis and has proven to relieve symptoms for more than four years.

"For patients who have tried medication or endoscopic therapy but still suffer symptoms of GERD, surgery may be the answer,” said Dr. Francis Rosato, a surgeon with Capital Health Surgical Group who specializes in complex, minimally invasive surgeries to treat patients with GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus, a precancerous condition caused by damage to the lining of the esophagus.

The Capital Health Center for Digestive Health gives patients access to the latest endoscopic and surgical options to treat GERD, which used to only be available in hospitals far away. Now they are available all in one local location — Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell. To make an appointment with Dr. Rogart, visit or call 609.537.5000. To make an appointment with Dr. Rosato, visit or call 609.537.6000.