Information Technology Security Incident

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Infection Prevention

To make our hospitals safer for patients, hospital staff, and visitors, Capital Health’s Infection Prevention Program is hard at work to develop strategies to reduce or eliminate the risk of infection. Our program utilizes a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach based on principles and evidence-based literature developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionthe Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services that support improvement programs in the reduction of infection transmission.

Our Infection Prevention personnel closely monitor all of the Capital Health locations to identify risks through daily reports, admission records, and direct communication with hospital staff. They conduct investigations when trends in infections are identified in our community.

At Capital Health, we have placed a high priority on doing all we can to prevent infection during your hospital stay. Wherever possible, patient rooms and bathrooms are private. Special equipment and techniques are used to minimize the spread of germs. We carefully monitor your antibiotics and make sure they are started and stopped on time.

Handwashing stations are strategically located in hallways, lobbies, and most importantly, at the entrance to every patient room. All of our physicians, health care staff, and support workers understand that handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of germs. So, if you don’t see them using the sink to wash their hands with soap and water, or using the waterless hand washing gel before they touch you, remind them. They will appreciate it.

You, as the patient, can help prevent infections too. Here are a few simple things you can do to stop the spread of germs in the hospital: 

  • Wash your hands before touching or eating food, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or using tissues. 
  • Ask your visitors to wash their hands before touching you or anything in your room. 
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with the bend of your elbow or your hands. If you use your hands, be sure to wash them afterwards. 
  • Get vaccinations to fight the spread of infections. These include annual flu shots, pneumonia vaccine (for age 65 or older or those with chronic conditions), and others that your doctor recommends for you.

Click here to find more information about specific hospital-acquired infections or to view a brief video from The Joint Commission's SPEAK UPTM program.