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Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility Program

Participating providers

Douglas H. Weinstein, MD, Director, Gastrointestinal Motility Program
Jooyeun Chung, MD, Medical Director, Metabolic & Weight Loss Center (Bariatric Surgeon)
Jason N. Rogart, MD, FASGE, Director, Interventional Gastroenterology & Therapeutic Endoscopy

The medical professionals who are part of our Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility Program at the Capital Health Center for Digestive Health diagnose and treat patients with disorders that affect the movement of muscles in the esophagus, stomach, and anorectal areas of the digestive system. This stretching and contracting, known as peristalsis, allows food to move through the digestive tract, creates sensations and allows for normal absorption of important nutrients. Our program provides specialized testing and advanced interventions for motility disorders through the coordinated efforts of referring physicians, gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, dietitians and physical therapists when appropriate.

From the top to the bottom of the GI tract, our GI Motility Program treats patients with esophageal conditions like dysphagia (ineffective swallowing), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and achalasia. For patients with stomach disorders, we help those with gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying, common in patients with diabetes). Our specialists also provide care for those suffering from anorectal and pelvic floor conditions, such as fecal incontinence (inability to control bowel movements), pelvic floor dyssynergia (impaired coordination of muscles in the lower digestive tract), and refractory constipation (constipation that does not improve with standard treatment). 

Technology and treatment

Physicians and other specialists in the GI Motility Program utilize state-of-the art technology to help plan the best course of treatment.

  • High resolution esophageal manometry helps determine if motility problems exist in the esophagus. After numbing the patient’s nose and throat, a small tube is passed through the nose into the esophagus. The patient is asked to swallow and measurements of esophageal function are taken based on pressure readings gathered through the small tube. 

    The Endolumenal Functional Lumen Imaging Probe, or EndoFLIP, complements the manometry to give even more detail in patients who have complex conditions of the esophagus and stomach that are difficult to diagnose and treat. It is performed during an upper endoscopy when the patient is sleeping.
  • 24- and 48-hour pH and impedance testing helps to determine if the patient needs to be on acid-blocking medication and helps to determine if surgery or endoscopic reflux procedures could help a patient.
  • An esophagram is a fluoroscopic test that allows our radiologists to capture images of the esophagus while it is functioning.
  • Nuclear medicine testing can be used to determine the time it takes for the stomach, intestine and colon to move a meal through the body. Among the advanced treatment options offered, the Enterra® neurostimulator uses electrical impulses to stimulate and/or regulate muscles of the stomach wall to get them working properly and reduce symptoms of gastroparesis. Capital Health is one of only a few hospitals in New Jersey to offer this state-of-the-art treatment option.

Additionally, those patients affected by anorectal disorders work with physicians and our specially trained physical therapists to develop a pelvic floor rehabilitation program tailored specifically to your needs and help you regain control of your urinary and/or bowel function. Therapy is provided in a private, confidential, and comfortable setting.

Our GI Motility Program is part of the wide range of advanced GI services available at the Capital Health Center for Digestive Health, and the only one of its kind in the region. The program offers advanced care for patients in the Mercer, Burlington, and Bucks County areas, including initial consults, testing, procedures, and follow-up appointments, all in one convenient location at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell.

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