We invite your participation as a sponsor and/or an exhibitor at Capital Health’s Annual Continuing Education Conference. All partnerships include company logo on Capital Health website and sponsor media at the event.
Click here to download/print our exhibitor and sponsorship kit.
Click here to download/print a copy of the Capital Health Foundation W9 form.
Total # of Registrations
The number of registrations that comes with each level of sponsorship or exhibit and include breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and receptions during the entirety of the conference.
Booth Location
Premier or Standard – location in Exhibitor Hall to be determined by partnership level.
Exhibitor Directory Ad
Our Exhibitor Directory Guide is given to each attendee and your advertisement will be prominently displayed – size and placement determined by partnership level.
Giveaway Opportunity
Great way to get your logo in the hands of each attendee – you supply the item and we will package it in the attendee conference bag.
Electric with Power Strip
Need power for your exhibit? We have you covered.
Exclusive Reception with Capital Health Personnel
Designed to get you the face time you need, this pre-conference reception will take place on Thursday evening and provide ample networking opportunities.
Logo on Digital Screens
Your logo will be on display throughout the conference, promoting your brand and reinforcing your commitment to advancing medicine together with Capital Health.
Stand Up Banner
Professionally created banner proudly announcing your company and partnership level for all attendees and Capital Health personnel to see.
Invite to Pitch Party
Another opportunity designed specifically to get you in front of Capital Health personnel, the Pitch Party gives you 5 minutes to talk about your current products, benefits, updated data, or maybe new and exciting things on the horizon for your company – the time is yours!
Logo or Name on Agenda
Where allowed, your company logo or name will be proudly displayed for all conference attendees to see your level of support.
Social Media Mention
As we capture conference moments and promote them on social media, we will include your partnership and participation.
Logo on Table Top Displays
As conference attendees sit for meals, grab their snacks, or attend a reception, your company logo will be front and center – each breakfast, lunch, and reception is an exclusive opportunity, while a snack sponsor will receive both morning and afternoon snack on either Friday or Saturday.
Additional Signage
We will work with the conference venue to place your company logo in preferred locations, maximizing your exposure.
Post Conference Meeting
Let us assist you in securing your next meeting with Capital Health personnel.
Post Event Email to Conference Attendees
We will send your message out to all attendees following the conference – keeping your brand top of mind.
Branded Hotel Key Cards
Your company logo will be printed on customized hotel key cards and distributed to all attendees staying with us at the Borgata.
Wifi Password
Your company name, or product, will be the password used by all conference attendees.
No Suitcasing Permitted
Our Conference is dedicated to fostering a professional, collaborative and respectful environment for all attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. To protect the investment of our exhibitors and ensure a positive experience for all participants, we have implemented a strict no suitcasing protocol. Suitcasing refers to the practice by which an individual or company gains access to an event by obtaining event credentials (attendee badge, etc.) and then solicits business without purchasing an exhibit space or sponsorship, giving them an unfair competitive advantage over the exhibitors and sponsors who have paid for the opportunity to participate. This practice works counter to the business interests of legitimate Capital Health Continuing Education Conference exhibitors. Any individual identified or reported to be violating this protocol will have their credentials revoked and be asked to leave the property.