Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

About Us

At Capital Health Cardiac Surgery Specialists, we take a collaborative approach to patient care that puts patients and their loved ones at the center of our multidisciplinary team.

Patients are referred to Capital Health Cardiac Surgery Specialists by cardiologists and primary care providers when they present or are diagnosed with conditions that require surgery. This could be determined from an electrocardiogram (EKG), nuclear stress test, or chest CT scan ordered by a cardiologist. Inpatient referrals from interventional cardiologists are also common, based on results of catheterization. Referring physicians as well as their patients get one-on-one consultations with our surgical experts, who provide direct care and guidance throughout the entire care journey.

To promote recovery, Dr. Seinfeld leads multidisciplinary rounds that address the patient’s physical and mental health. In addition to the surgical team, this includes a social worker, physician assistant, and staff from dietary, respiratory therapy, and pulmonology. The goal is to discharge patients to their homes and avoid recovery that requires time in a rehabilitation facility.