3140 Princeton Pike, 2nd Floor
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
United States
Office hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Welcome to Capital Health Cardiology Specialists – Lawrenceville
Our team of board certified cardiology experts, led by Dr. Rim Al-Bezem, Dr. Zabeer Bhatti, Dr. Scott Burke, Dr. William Costanzo, Dr. Harit Desai, Dr. David Drucker, Dr. George Heyrich, Dr. Richard Hyman, Dr. Charles Paraboschi, Dr. Jigar Patel, Dr. David Rosvold, Dr. Michael Rozengarten, Dr. Roy Sauberman, Dr. Katie Schoenman, Dr. Samir Shah, Dr. Sunder Venkatesulu and Dr. Keith Wolfson, is highly trained in interventional cardiology, cardiac imaging and preventive cardiology. At Capital Health, they work with primary care physicians and other specialists to provide residents throughout Mercer, Bucks and Burlington counties with the advanced health care they need, including state-of-the-art imaging and diagnostic equipment to help promote heart healthy living.