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The practitioners and staff of Capital Health OB/GYN - Bordentown recognize that there are many facets to a woman's life. Healthcare is only one facet but it can impact so many others. We are happy that women are becoming more acutely aware of health conditions impacting their lives than ever before.

That is why we are committed to providing our patients with comprehensive and compassionate care while taking the time to educate them about their body and their condition.

We believe that an educated patient is better able to make important decisions that will affect her health and overall well-being. From adolescence, through child bearing years and beyond menopause, women will experience a variety of health conditions and concerns. We will be there, every step of the way, delivering exceptional healthcare through every stage of a women's life!

da Vinci® Surgery

da Vinci® Surgery - An effective, minimally invasive treatment alternative for a range of uterine conditions including gynecologic cancer and uterine fibroids. With numerous potential benefits over traditional approaches, da Vinci® procedures are less painful, have fewer complications and shorter hospital stays.

Gynecologic Conditions

Is a gynecologic condition affecting your health and quality of life? Many conditions can impact your well-being and daily life, such as:

  • Severe pelvic pain
  • Abnormal or very heavy bleeding
  • Fibroids
  • Cancer
  • Pelvic prolapse (falling/slipping of a pelvic organ(s))

Types of Surgery

When lifestyle changes, medicine or other options do not ease your symptoms, your doctor may suggest surgery. Surgery can include:

  • Open surgery: done through one large incision
  • Laparoscopic/robotic-assisted da Vinci® Surgery: minimally invasive surgery is done through a few small incisions (or small belly button incision)

Hereditary Cancer Quiz

Many families have more than one member who has developed cancer. This can be because of shared risk factors such as obesity or smoking, but may also be because these family members share a genetic risk.

Cancer is described in three main ways: as sporadic, familial, or hereditary. Each type has its own risks and appears in different ways.

  • Sporadic cancer is the type that occurs by chance, and is the most common. People who develop sporadic cancer usually do not have family members who have had the same type of cancer.
  • Familial cancer is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. While people with this type of cancer may have several relatives with the same type of cancer, there is not a clear pattern of inheritance.
  • Hereditary cancer occurs when a gene that normally helps to prevent cancer is altered (or mutated). People with hereditary cancers are more likely to have relatives with the same type or a related type of cancer. In addition, they often develop cancer at an earlier than average age, and may also develop more than one cancer in their lifetime.

If you have a family history of cancer, or if you belong to certain at-risk populations , you may carry an altered gene in your own genetic makeup.

This brief questionnaire will help you determine whether you should be further evaluated for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome, Lynch syndrome, or other hereditary cancers listed below. On average, the quiz takes less than 1 minute to complete.

Did You Know?

  • Genetic testing can help you determine if you are at increased risk for developing certain types of cancer.
  • 28 Genes are analyzed by Myriad Genetic Laboratories for hereditary cancer risk.
  • Coverage is excellent! Most insurance companies cover genetic testing at 100%.

Don’t forget to include BOTH your mother's and father's side of the family when answering questions. You will be assessed for the following hereditary cancers:

  • breast cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • colon or rectal cancer
  • uterine cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • gastric cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • melanoma

These questions are based on the clinical guidelines doctors use to determine whether you should be tested for one of the above syndromes. This is not a test, but rather a questionnaire to help determine risk so you can be prepared to talk to your doctor about further evaluation of your personal and family history of cancer.

Click here to take the Hereditary Cancer Quiz.