Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

Our Practice

Our vision is to provide the highest level of care to women through all phases of their lives while helping them to understand how and why their bodies function as they do.

We consider patient education to be one of our most important responsibilities. By educating women and empowering them to take a more active role in their own health care, they are able to make better decisions that will enable them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. As area leaders of minimally invasive procedures, we are able to substantially decrease a patient’s surgical recovery time while providing her with the very best results.

We provide a full scope midwifery service within our practice. Our Midwives provide standard gynecological care as well as routine prenatal care for those patients who desire a midwife delivery. All of our midwives are Certified Nurse Midwives and work under supervision of the physicians at Capital Health OB/GYN - Hamilton.