Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

Visiting Information at Capital Health Regional Medical Center

All visitors require a visitor’s pass. Those who wish to visit a patient room and on-site vendors require a pass with a photo. Before obtaining your photo visitor’s pass, be prepared to present at least one form of identification. Acceptable forms of identification include a driver’s license, business card, U.S. passport, or green card. Social security cards and credit cards are not acceptable forms of identification. Visitor passes must be returned when exiting the hospital.

Generally, two visitors are allowed at the bedside at a time. Excess visitors are asked to please wait in the lobby until a visitor pass can be issued. Exceptions to established visiting hours/policies are handled on a case-by-case basis. Specialized patient care units limit the number of visitors and have special visiting hours. Please check with your nurse or guest relations advocate for specific visiting hours.

CarePartners at Capital Health

Capital Health supports patient-family-centered care and welcomes the involvement of family and friends as CarePartners. A CarePartner is someone chosen by the patient to be involved in his or her healthcare experience. A CarePartner may be a significant other, family member or friend.

  • Patients may choose up to (3) adults as a CarePartners. Each will receive an orange wrist band from the health care team that will show us that he/she has permission to be actively involved in care. The level of involvement is between the patient and the CarePartner and can be 24/7.
  • CarePartners receive information directly from the health care team.
  • CarePartners communicate information to family and friends.
  • One CarePartner can stay with the patient 24/7, but may be asked to step out of the room when the health care team is providing care.
  • The Medical Power of Attorney does not have to be one of the CarePartners.

Visitor Policy for Outpatient Testing

Capital Health's visitor policy for outpatient testing areas indicates that all children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Children are not permitted in any diagnostic area unless they are the patient. Capital Health's providers and staff cannot provide supervision for children.