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Alan Amtzis

Prostate Cancer Patient Finds Solace in Comprehensive Approach at Capital Health Cancer Center

After Alan Amtzis received a call from his urologist telling him that two of his 12 samples indicated cancer, a three-month roller coaster ride of consultations with radiologists, surgeons, and oncologists in New York City left him with more questions than answers. That’s when he met with Dr. Timothy Chen, medical director of Stereotactic Radiosurgery at the Capital Health Cancer Center, located at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell.

After one meeting with Dr. Chen, Alan knew that he found a doctor and a treatment plan he could trust.

“Dr. Chen had an incredible energy about him. Not just that he’s knowledgeable, you expect that of any doctor you go to, but I just trusted him. It was a combination of his answers to my questions, his own excitement about it, and also his great sense of humor. He made me feel like I was being treated by a human being who had emotions, and I cannot tell you how much that meant to me,” said Alan.

Alan was able to feel a sense of optimism despite his circumstances thanks to the support of the entire team at Capital Health.

“One of the most important aspects of my treatment here at Capital Health was that they didn’t just treat my cancer, although that would have been enough. I also received support about nutrition, physical health, and life management. It really felt like a comprehensive approach to dealing with where I was at this stage of my life,” he said.

By having a professional team that was close to home, Alan was able to continue his life in a way that was uninterrupted.

“I was able to pursue my care here with professionals I trusted without interrupting my life, which psychologically meant I was not in dire shape, which was important to me. I needed to feel like I was going to beat this, and every aspect of my experience here enhanced that feeling,” he said.

Click here to learn more about the Capital Health Cancer Center.