Home Exercise Program
Your therapist will provide you with some lower extremity exercises that will help you prepare for surgery. Try to do these exercises three to four times a day. Avoid those e.
Your therapist will provide you with some lower extremity exercises that will help you prepare for surgery. Try to do these exercises three to four times a day. Avoid those e.
Some discomfort is expected, and when appropriate, you will be prescribed pain medication to help you better manage the pain. If your pain worsens and becomes severe, call yo.
Your bedside evaluation from one of our orthopedic-trained therapists includes an assessment of strength, range of motion, vital signs, pain, and ability to move. Be sure to .
Inspect your incision every day. You may gently wash your incision with soap and water. Notify your doctor right away if you have a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or if your.
You will not be as active the first few weeks after surgery, which increases your risk for blood clots. Your doctor may prescribe a medication (known generically as an antico.
Capital Health’s Department of Radiology offers full time, board certified radiologists, with specialty training crossing the spectrum of radiologic services, including inter.
When a nerve block is used as part of your anesthesia, the therapist will test for full return of your strength and sensation. Your therapy session will be designed to ensure.
Fad diets like the cabbage soup diet or South Beach are common and may provide short-term weight loss but eventually the weight returns. “Diets should offer a balanced eating and exercise approach, p.
Position Emission Tomography – Computer Tomography (PET/CT) is a diagnostic test that acquires images from both the PET and CT in the same session and lays one image ove.
After you’re brought to the surgical care unit, you will notice some new equipment which is used for different functions after your surgery. This equipment could include oxyg.