Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

Anti-Vaping PSA Video Contest

In honor of November’s designation as Lung Cancer Awareness Month, middle school students, sixth grade through eighth, were invited to enter our public service announcement (PSA) video contest. The campaign, “Be Smart, Don’t Start,” launched on November 1, 2022 in an effort to help raise awareness and engage students about the dangers of vaping. Students from 23 middle schools throughout Bucks and Mercer Counties were invited to create a one minute video regarding the dangers of vaping. Each of the winning schools was awarded $2,000 for their PTO/PTA. Special thanks to all who entered and stay tuned for another video contest coming this fall!

Click here to see the winning videos from our previous contests.

Click here to download/print the contest flyer.

For questions or additional information, please contact Rebecca Kelly at [email protected].