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"Wellness Warriors" Video Contest

For Students

Calling all middle schoolers! It's time to show off your healthy habits and inspire your peers by entering the "Wellness Warriors" PSA video contest.

This is your opportunity to create short videos demonstrating how you stay healthy, while sharing tips and advice for living a balanced and active lifestyle. Whether it's through nutrition, physical activity, mental health practices, or creative hobbies, we want to see how YOU become a Wellness Warrior in your everyday life!

In your video, you could showcase a variety of healthy habits. Maybe you start your day with a nutritious breakfast, packed with fruits, whole grains, and protein to fuel your body and mind. You could share your favorite smoothie recipe or how you prepare a healthy lunch for school. Highlight the importance of staying hydrated by carrying a water bottle and choosing water over sugary drinks. Your peers will appreciate practical tips they can easily incorporate into their routines.

Physical activity is another fantastic topic to cover. Do you have a favorite sport or physical activity that keeps you fit and energized? Whether it's playing soccer, dancing, riding your bike, or even taking your dog for a walk, show how staying active is both fun and beneficial. Consider demonstrating a simple exercise routine that others can follow along at home. Encouraging daily movement, no matter how small, can make a big difference in overall health and wellness.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, so don't forget to include ways you take care of your mind and emotions. Perhaps you practice mindfulness or meditation, keep a journal to express your thoughts, or engage in creative activities like drawing or playing music. Share techniques that help you manage stress and maintain a positive outlook. Teaching your peers about the importance of taking breaks, getting enough sleep, and seeking support when needed can help build a supportive and healthy school community.

We encourage creativity and originality in your videos. Use engaging visuals, music, and clear narration to make your message memorable. You can work solo or collaborate with friends or family members. The key is to be authentic and enthusiastic about your healthy habits. By participating in the Wellness Warriors PSA video contest, you'll not only have fun and learn more about health and wellness, but you'll also have the chance to inspire and motivate your peers to lead healthier lives. We can't wait to see your videos and learn how you become a Wellness Warrior every day!

For Teachers

Ways to Incorporate the Wellness Warriors PSA Contest into the Curriculum

To successfully integrate the "Wellness Warriors" PSA video contest into middle school curriculums, it is essential to align the contest objectives with educational goals and standards. Below are some ideas on how to adopt this contest as a valuable and engaging classroom assignment.

Educational Alignment

The Wellness Warriors PSA contest supports multiple educational goals, including:

  • Health Education: Students explore nutrition, physical activity, and mental health, aligning with health education standards.
  • Communication Skills: Crafting a PSA video enhances students' ability to communicate effectively and persuasively.
  • Technology and Media Literacy: Producing a video fosters digital literacy and media skills, meeting technology education standards.
  • Creative Expression: Encourages artistic creativity, relevant to both art and language arts curriculums.
Highlight Benefits for Students

Emphasize the multiple benefits for students, such as:

  • Skill Development: Discuss how the project helps develop critical thinking, research, and collaboration skills.
  • Health Awareness: Explain how it promotes a deeper understanding of personal health and wellness.
  • Engagement and Motivation: Highlight how the contest can make learning more engaging and relevant to students' lives.
Cross-Curricular Connections

Science Integration

  • Health and Nutrition: Have students research the science behind healthy eating, the benefits of various nutrients, and how they impact the body. This can form the basis of their PSA content.
  • Exercise Physiology: Explore how different types of physical activity benefit the cardiovascular system, muscles, and mental health. Students can demonstrate and explain these benefits in their videos.

English Language Acts

  • Scriptwriting: Teach students the fundamentals of scriptwriting. Have them draft scripts for their PSAs, focusing on clear messaging, persuasive language, and storytelling techniques.
  • Storyboarding: Incorporate lessons on storyboarding to help students plan their videos visually before they start filming. This can also involve lessons on narrative structure and visual storytelling.

Art and Design

  • Visual Communication: Use this project to discuss visual communication principles, such as color theory, composition, and design elements. Students can apply these concepts to their video production.
  • Creative Expression: Encourage students to use artistic skills to create engaging visuals, props, and animations for their PSAs.
Practical Activities

Workshops and Demonstrations

  • Healthy Cooking Class: Organize a cooking demonstration where students learn to prepare healthy snacks or meals. They can film the process and share recipes in their PSAs.
  • Exercise Sessions: Conduct exercise sessions such as yoga, aerobics, or dance classes. Students can participate and film parts of these sessions to promote physical activity.

Guest Speakers

  • Health Professionals: Invite nutritionists, fitness trainers, or mental health experts to speak to the class. Students can interview them and incorporate these interviews into their videos.
  • Media Experts: Bring in filmmakers or media professionals to teach students about video production techniques, editing software, and effective communication through media.
Collaborative Projects

Group Work

  • Team-Based Projects: Allow students to work in groups, assigning different roles such as director, scriptwriter, editor, and actor. This fosters teamwork and ensures diverse skill development.
  • Peer Review Sessions: Organize sessions where students can present their drafts and receive feedback from peers. This encourages constructive criticism and iterative improvement.

School-Wide Initiatives

  • Health Campaigns: Combine the PSA contest with a broader health campaign. Students can create posters, run social media pages, or organize school events to complement their video projects.
  • Video Premieres: Host a video premiere event where students showcase their PSAs to the school community. This can be done during an assembly or a special health and wellness day.
Enhancing Engagement

Incentives and Recognition

  • Feature on School Platforms: Share the best PSAs on the school’s website, social media pages, and during morning announcements to recognize students' hard work and creativity.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Suggest ways teachers from different subjects can collaborate on the project. For example, a science teacher could focus on the health aspect while an English teacher helps with scripting and storyboarding.

Interactive Elements

  • Q&A Sessions: After watching the PSAs, hold Q&A sessions where students discuss the health topics covered in their videos. This can deepen understanding and engagement with the material.
  • Interactive Surveys: Conduct surveys or quizzes based on the PSAs to reinforce learning and gather feedback on students' perceptions and knowledge gained from the project.
Communicate and Support

Maintain open communication with teachers:

  • Regular Updates: Send regular updates and reminders about contest deadlines and milestones.
  • Feedback Loop: Provide a platform for teachers to share feedback and experiences, helping to improve the integration process.