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The Heart of Gratitude: Jeff Bedser’s Story of Survival at Capital Health

Jeff BedserHeart attacks can happen to anyone, and Jeff Bedser knows this firsthand. A series of unfortunate events led the local father of three to Capital Health's emergency room in June of 2022. Months earlier, he began to notice concerning symptoms that he believed pointed to a heart problem and sought care from a cardiologist; however, the gravity of his condition went undetected. At 4:30 a.m. one morning, Jeff woke up knowing that he was having a heart attack. His extensive background as a CPR instructor and Boy Scout Scoutmaster allowed him to recognize the signs immediately.

Fueled by the recent loss of two friends to heart attacks, he was determined not to let the same fate befall him. "In that moment, I knew I needed immediate help, and that Capital Health was the closest modern cardiac center to my home." Uncertain of how long it would take EMS to arrive, Jeff went directly to the hospital, refusing to take any chances with his life.

For four consecutive years, Capital Health has earned accreditation as a Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) from the American College of Cardiology (ACC). Patients arriving at the emergency room with any heart attack symptom trigger a Chest Pain Alert, mobilizing cardiac care team professionals immediately. "From the moment I stepped into the ER, I was met with compassionate, expert care. I explained what was happening, and they began treatment right away. I will forever remember a nurse named Evan who stayed with me and reassured me that I was going to be okay."

With no time to spare in cardiac emergencies, the Chest Pain Center at Capital Health manages heart attacks with increased speed, resulting in quicker and more complete recovery for patients. "In what felt like no time at all, I found myself in the cath lab, where Dr. Desai performed a life-saving procedure to install a stent in my severely blocked artery."

"The experience was surreal. I was awake during the procedure and could even watch it on screen." Watching the procedure as it happened allowed Jeff to witness the expertise and dedication of the medical team firsthand. Their compassionate approach, coupled with their use of cutting-edge technology, made a profound impact on his healing journey. "My artery was 98% blocked. The fact that I survived was nothing short of a miracle. It was a fortunate coincidence that I found myself in the care of the best cardiac surgeon, at the best facility offering the most advanced cardiac procedures available."

Dr. Harit Desai, the medical director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Capital Health, played a pivotal role in Jeff's recovery. His expertise and the state-of-the-art facilities at Capital Health ensured that Jeff received the best possible care. "The dedication and expertise of my care team gave me a second chance at life. I will forever be grateful to Dr. Desai and the entire team at Capital Health for their unwavering commitment to saving lives and improving the well-being of their patients."

Surviving against all odds, Jeff emerged from this experience with a renewed sense of gratitude and hope. "My recovery was nothing short of amazing. The scar is the size of a pinprick, and I was discharged the next day. I went to a concert two days later and flew overseas for a business trip four days later."

Reflecting on his journey, Jeff felt compelled to share his story and encourage others to prioritize their cardiac health and support Capital Health. "This is where groundbreaking care and life-saving interventions are happening. By investing in the future of cardiac care, you are contributing to the well-being of countless individuals and their families."

To learn more about supporting our Capital Gratitude Program and the work of Capital Health’s Heart and Vascular Institute, visit