Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

Capital Health Accountable Care Organization Leadership

The Governing Board is the oversight group for Capital Health ACO and is chaired by the senior executive/medical director. Its mission is the overall management of the ACO, which includes review of all quality reports, shared savings distributions, and participant contracts and authorization of programmatic expenditures to meet the goal of Capital Health ACO. It is the final arbiter of continued participant involvement in the ACO should there be quality concerns.

Click here to view our organizational chart.

ACO Governing Body

Member     Member's
ACO Participant TIN Legal Business Name/DBA, if applicable
Last Name First Name Title/Position      
Remstein Robert Chairman 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health
Medical Group
Dafilou David Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health System
Fleming Shane Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health System
Borgos Suzanne Secretary 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health System
Sansone Debra Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health System
Gertzman Jerry Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health
Medical Group
Kolander Scott Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health
Medical Group
Lugo Maria Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health
Medical Group
Schwartz Eric Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health System
Codjoe Jessica Voting Member 1 ACO Participant Representative Capital Health
Medical Group
Sullivan Molly Voting Member 1 Medicare Beneficiary