Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

Personal Breast Navigators

There are few challenges in life as daunting as a breast cancer diagnosis. That’s why the Center for Comprehensive Breast Care assigns every patient a certified personal Breast Health Navigator, a specially trained oncology nurse who will be by your side from an initial diagnosis through every phase of treatment.

Our personal Breast Health Navigators are Trish Tatrai, RN, MS, OCN, CBCN and Aileen Diccion, BSN, RN. Trish and Aileen have been coordinating cancer care and providing education and support to cancer patients for over 50 years combined. They are Certified Breast Care Nurses who have implemented community education programs and facilitated support groups throughout the region. Rely on Trish and Aileen to:

  • Answer your questions and help you understand your breast cancer treatment plan.
  • Help to facilitate communication between yourself and your physicians.
  • Direct you to local resources and support.
  • Help you set up and keep track of all your health care services.
  • Help you to get answers to any of your questions in an efficient and timely manner.
  • Provide ongoing support through the Capital Health Survivors Program and other support groups.

The services of the personal Breast Health Navigator are provided at no additional cost to you or your insurance companies. To learn more about the Breast Health Navigation Program, call Trish at 609-537-7485 or Aileen at 609-303-4503.