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Clinical References

The following selected publications support the clinical efficacy of da Vinci® Gynecologic Surgery. For additional citations on robotic surgery, please visit PubMed (Medline).

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da Vinci® Hysterectomy for benign conditions

John F. Boggess, Paola A. Gehrig, Victoria Bae-Jump, Lisa Abaid, Aaron Shafer, Daniel Clarke-Pearson, Teresa L. Rutledge, John T. Soper, Linda Van Le, Wesley C. Fowler, Jr. Robotic Assistance Improves Minimally Invasive Surgery For Endometrial Cancer. Poster presented at SGO 2007. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Senapati S, Advincula A. Surgical techniques: robot-assisted laparoscopic Myomectomy with the da Vinci® surgical system. J Robotic Surg. 2007 March; 1(1): 69-74. Abstract. Full text.

Advincula AP. Surgical techniques: robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy with the da Vinci surgical system. Int J Med Robot. 2006 Dec;2(4):305-11. Abstract.

Advincula AP, Reynolds RK. The use of robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy in the patient with a scarred or obliterated anterior cul-de-sac. JSLS. 2005 Jul-Sep;9(3):287-91. Abstract. Beste TM, Nelson KH, Daucher JA. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy utilizing a robotic surgical system. JSLS. 2005 Jan-Mar; 9(1): 13-15. Abstract. Marchal F, Rauch P, Vandromme J, Laurent I, Lobontiu A, Ahcel B, Verhaeghe JL, Meistelman C, Degueldre M, Villemot JP, Guillemin F. Telerobotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign and oncologic pathologies: initial clinical experience with 30 patients. Telerobotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign and oncologic pathologies: initial clinical experience with 30 patients. Surg Endosc. 2005 May 3 [Epub ahead of print] Abstract.

Advincula AP, Falcone T. Laparoscopic robotic gynecologic surgery. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2004 Sep; 31(3): 599-609. Abstract. Ferguson JL, Beste TM, Nelson KH, Daucher JA. Making the transition from standard gynecologic laparoscopy to robotic laparoscopy. JSLS. 2004 Oct-Dec; 8(4): 326-328. Abstract.

Diaz-Arrastia C, Jurnalov C, Gomez G, Townsend C Jr. Laparoscopic hysterectomy using a computer-enhanced surgical robot. Surg Endosc. 2002 Sep; 16(9): 1271-1273. Abstract. Falcone T, Steiner CP. Robotically assisted gynaecological surgery. Hum Fertil (Camb). 2002 May; 5(2): 72-74. Abstract.

da Vinci® Hysterectomy for early stage gynecological cancer

Boggess JF. Robotic surgery in gynecologic oncology: evolution of a new surgical paradigm J Robotic Surg. 2007 March; 1(1): 69-74. Abstract. Full text.

Aaron Shafer, John F. Boggess, Paola Gehrig, Victoria Bae-Jump, Lisa Abaid, Daniel Clarke-Pearson, Wesley C. Fowler Jr., Teresa L. Rutledge, John Soper, Linda Van Le. Type III radical hysterectomy for obese women with cervical carcinoma: Robotic versus open. Abstract presented at SGO 2007. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.

Lynn D. Kowalski, MD, Camille A. Falkner, MD, Stephanie A. Wishnev, MD Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care 1 Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, Las Vegas, NV. Incorporation of Robotics into a Gynecologic Oncology Practice: The First 100 Cases. Poster presented at SGO 2007.

da Vinci® Myomectomy

Advincula AP, Song A, Burke W, Reynolds RK. Preliminary experience with robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2004 Nov;11(4):511-8. Abstract.

Bocca S, Stadtmauer L, Oehninger S. Uncomplicated full term pregnancy after da Vinci-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy. Reprod Biomed Online. 2007 Feb;14(2):246-9. Abstract.

Dharia SP, Falcone T. Robotics in reproductive medicine. Fertil Steril. 2005 Jul;84(1):1-11. Review. Abstract.

da Vinci® Sacrocolpopexy

Di Marco DS, Chow GK, Gettman MT, Elliott DS. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for treatment of vaginal vault prolapse. Urology. 2004 Feb; 63(2): 373-376. Abstract.

Elliott DS, Chow GK, Gettman M. Current status of robotics in female urology and gynecology. World J Urol. 2006 Jun;24(2):188-92. Epub 2006 Mar 24. Abstract.

Elliott DS, Krambeck AE, Chow GK. Long-term results of robotic assisted laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for the treatment of high grade vaginal vault prolapse. J Urol. 2006 Aug;176(2):655-9. Abstract.

While clinical studies support the effectiveness of the da Vinci® System when used in minimally invasive surgery, individual results may vary. Surgery with the da Vinci Surgical System may not be appropriate for every individual. Always ask your doctor about all treatment options, as well as their risks and benefits.