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EMT Academy – Regional Medical Center

Capital Health now offers an EMT Academy designed to train future Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and transition them to positions as full time Capital Health EMTs. The program is open to anyone who wants to pursue a new career, or is just starting out. Those who participate in the training program will be paid as a Capital Health employee and will then move into a full-time EMT position with Capital Health following their certification. The Academy is part of Capital Health’s investment in our employees and community, providing the opportunity for professional development and career growth.

If you're interested in applying for the EMT Academy – Regional Medical Center or know someone else who may be, click here to fill out an application for our summer cohort.


How long is the program and what is the schedule?

Classes run five days a week, starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 5 p.m. for 12 consecutive weeks. Trainees will be paid for time in class.

What are the requirements for the program?

1. You must be a high school graduate or equivalent and successfully complete a pre-employment background screening and physical.

2. All candidates must have a violation free vehicle driving record. No infractions within the last three years.

3. Applicants must be able to read at a 10th grade reading level, and possess basic computer skills, proficiency at reading manuals, maps and instructions, superior communication skills including the ability to read, write, and communicate effectively in the English language, and be proficient time management skills.

When are applications accepted?

Capital Health's EMT Academy – Regional Medical Center offers three 12-week cohorts throughout the year. Applications are accepted during the following periods:

Spring Cohort: Applications accepted November 1 - December 15
Summer Cohort: Applications accepted March 1 - April 15
Fall Cohort: Applications accepted June 1 - July 15

What is the cost to me?

There is no cost to participate in the EMT Academy – Regional Medical Center. However, the candidate must agree to complete 12 months of FT employment in the EMS Department once certified or payback the total cost of the training. If the employee does not complete the required time period, arrangements will be made with the employee prior to leaving or transferring to a different department within Capital Health for repayment of the training money.

What about tests?

There will be quizzes and tests at regular intervals throughout the program. There will be a midterm and a final. Passing is considered 70% and above. Below 69% is a non-passing grade. You must maintain a 70% in order to be eligible to sit for the national registry exam. If your percentage on the testing is not at a passing level by the midterm exam, you will be disqualified from the course.

What happens if I don’t successfully complete the program due to unforeseen circumstances?

If you leave the program due to circumstances beyond your control, you may re-enroll for the next session. This will be prearranged at the time of departure from the program. If you enroll in the next session and cannot complete it, you will not be able to enroll for another year.

Are my books and supplies paid for?

Uniforms, employee ID and all course materials will be provided at no cost. If you discontinue the program these must be returned to Capital Health or the cost will be deducted from your final paycheck.

What if I get sick?

The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) requires 100% attendance at all course sessions. However, it is understood that emergencies may arise. In accordance with NJ sick leave, sixteen (16) hours of class hours may be made up, as the course coordinators and instructors see fit. There are no exceptions. Weddings, vacations, business trips religious holidays, college visits, college classes, college start dates, etc. are not emergencies and will not be considered an exception to the 100% emergency makeup.

What if I get injured, will I be able to reenroll for the next class?


What happens after I obtain my certification as an EMT?

Upon successful completion of the EMT training program, you will be placed into a full time EMT position. Hours will be dependent on availability. You must work for Capital Health for 1 year before accepting positions elsewhere. Failure to do so will result in the candidate having to reimburse Capital Health for course expenses.

What is the starting rate of the EMT intern?

All external candidates will start the academy at the minimum of the grade for the academy. Once the program is completed and certification passed, the candidate will be placed into an EMT position at the entry rate for the EMT.

Will I be required to have driver’s training before I begin the program?

No. You will receive on the job training for driver training.

Do I need CPR certification?

Yes. We will also provide you with the training to obtain your BLS certification in class.

Will I need to study outside of class?

Additional study time may be needed in addition to classroom time. This will be unpaid time. It is highly recommended you do. EMT Interns must demonstrate exceptional knowledge of material in order to pass the EMT course and be eligible to sit for the National Registry exam.

What if I don’t like it?

If the employee terminates employment prior to expected end date, repayment of program is expected as follows:

1. Before the midterm exam - no repayment expected.

2. After midterm but before certification exam - 50% of repayment expected.

3. After final exam and within the first year of employment - 100% repayment is expected.

While getting my EMT, what other credentials will I need to be required as an EMT?

You must maintain your BLS Provider card, PHTLS, CEVO, and other trainings as required by EMS Administration. We will provide you with the resources you need to obtain these credentials during your training.

What kind of on the job training do you offer?

You will be precepted by experienced providers in Capital Health’s EMS Department.

How do I sit for the national registry exam?

After successfully completing the EMT course, the instructor will give you the information you need to do so.

What is the certification needed upon completion of the course?

The National Registry Exam is the accrediting agency that oversees the EMT Certification. You will be required to successfully pass the National Registry Exam upon successful completion of the EMT course.

What do I need to do to maintain my certification once I pass the exam?

There are different ways to maintain your certification. This will be discussed with you as we progress through the course.

What if I have a physical disability?

We will make reasonable accommodations as per ADA regulations. However, accommodations shall not interfere with the ability to perform your job duties.

What if I have a learning disability?

We will work with you in providing the reasonable resources you need to be successful.