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Emergency Mental Health Services

Emergency Mental Health Services - Psychiatric Screening Center

Need immediate help with a mental health emergency? We’re here, 24/7.
Call 609-396-HELP (4357).

Capital Health is the designated regional Emergency Mental Health Services Center in Mercer County, NJ. We provide rapid, thorough assessments and interventions to stabilize a mental health emergency and direct clients and loved ones toward appropriate mental health solutions.

Our comprehensive assessments include social, economic, familial, medical, and psychological factors which play a part in psychiatric emergencies. Our counselors are trained to evaluate children, adults, and elderly adults.

Click here to view a printable PDF of our Capital Health Emergency Mental Health Services brochure.

On-site services

Our emergency walk-in program, located at Capital Health Regional Medical Center, provides individuals with the ability to request an assessment by a psychiatric counselor at the time of their crisis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A brief medical screening will be provided by a medical doctor, after which clients will be transferred to our screening center, where a mental health counselor will provide an emergency screening assessment. This may be followed by one or more of the following services, if required: 

  • Nursing assessment 
  • Evaluation by a psychiatrist 
  • Referral for inpatient hospitalization 
  • Referral for outpatient services 
  • Brought to a holding bed specifically for medication, observation, and stabilization.

Mobile outreach services

We offer services to adults and their families at home or at the site of their crisis. Individuals may request emergency mental health services at the time of their crisis at any verifiable location within Mercer County. Mobile services are offered in the following:

  • Crisis prevention (pre-crisis evaluation) 
  • Crisis intervention and evaluation 
  • Short-term stabilization and follow-up care 
  • Referral to appropriate mental health services for continued care, drug/alcohol treatment, individual counseling, family therapy, psychiatric hospitalization, or civil commitment

What is a mental health emergency?

Mental health emergencies are sudden and severe emotional disturbances with one or more of the following:

  • Risk of harm to self (suicide, mutilation); or others (homicide, physical assault) or property.
  • Out of touch with reality. For example, seeing or hearing things that no one else sees or hears, having conversations with themselves, or exhibiting bizarre behavior.
  • Suddenly losing interest in school, friends, family, hobbies, personal hygiene, etc.
  • Extreme nervousness, sadness or confusion that begins suddenly.
  • Severe arguments or fights within the family.
  • Uncontrollable behavior that upsets everyone in the home, school or neighborhood.
  • Sudden changes in mood, behavior or thinking.

Suicide warning signs

  • Previous suicide attempts
  • Expressing a wish to be dead or to die
  • Drug/alcohol involvement
  • Change in behavior that is out of character
  • Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
  • Giving away personal possessions
  • Making final arrangements
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Dangerous and self-destructive behavior