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What You Need to Know for Your Interventional Radiology Procedure

Please review this list of general information before coming for your interventional radiology procedure. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology (CVIR) Department at Capital Health Regional Medical Center (609-394-6181) or the Interventional Radiology Department (IR) at Capital Health Medical Center - Hopewell at (609-303-4049).


  • You may need to stop taking certain medications that thin your blood. If your procedure requires you to stop these medications, please discuss this with your doctor. Common examples of these medicines are: 
    • Coumadin (also called warfarin) 
    • Pradaxa 
    • Aspirin 
    • Aggrenox 
    • Plavix (also called clopidogrel) 
    • Lovenox
  • You should take any blood pressure medicine the morning of your procedure with a small sip of water.
  • If you take metformin (also called Glucophage), or a combination drug that contains metformin, you may need to stop taking this the day before your procedure. You may also have to stop taking it for a few days after your procedure.
  • Please bring a list of all medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) with you to the hospital.
  • If you have an allergy to IV dye or X-ray contrast we may have to pre-medicate you before your procedure. Please let make your doctor aware of all of your allergies.

Before your procedure

  • Do not eat or drink anything six to eight hours prior to your procedure. There are certain medications that you are allowed to take, with a small sip of water, the morning of your procedure.
  • You will be required to register two hours prior to your procedure time.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Leave jewelry and valuables at home.
  • You will be required to sign an informed consent when you come for your procedure. If you are unable to do that, please bring an appropriate family member that can make medical decisions for you.
  • Your procedure may require you to have an IV.

After your procedure

  • Some procedures require you to recover before you can be discharged home.
  • You will receive discharge instructions when you are ready to go.
  • It is expected that you will continue the recovery process after discharge home. Please expect to take the entire day, and not return to work or resume physical activity. 
  • After certain procedures, you may not be allowed to drive for 24 hours. If your procedure requires you to arrange for a ride home, we will let you know this when your procedure is scheduled.