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About the vascular screening

The 15 minutes vascular screen is a series of non-invasive tests.

  1. Carotid – Warm gel is paced on the neck. An ultrasound of the artery providing blood to the brain is performed. This test checks for the presence of blockage in the artery. There is no radiation, pain or needles involved.
  2. Aorta – Warm gel is placed on the abdomen. An ultrasound of the main artery of the body is performed. This test is to check for the presence of an aneurysm or "ballooning" of the aorta. There is no radiation, pain or needles involved.
  3. ABI – This test checks the arterial circulation in the legs. Blood pressure cuffs are placed on both arms and both ankles. Blood pressures are taken at all the cuff sites. This test checks for the presence of blockage in the arteries of the legs. There is no radiation, pain or needles involved.

To schedule a vascular screening, call 609-303-4257.

For more information on the tests performed during the screening, call 609-303-4257.