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A Message from Our Director

Dr_Jooyeun_Chung3-TeaserThere’s nothing easy about trying, maybe for years, to lose weight. Dozens of diets. Ups and downs. It’s been a long-fought battle. And now you’re here. Wondering if it’s finally time to consider surgery.

Let me say, right up front, that this isn’t “the easy way out.” It will take work. But you won’t be alone. Because we’re here for you. A team determined to help you shed the weight, gain back your health – and sustain it all for a lifetime.

Although it’s often perceived as a cosmetic problem, obesity is associated with many serious health conditions, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and obstructive sleep apnea, just to name a few. Weight loss surgery impacts not just the way you look, but how healthy you feel.

Weight loss surgery, and the lifestyle changes you will have to make to achieve your outcome, requires a serious commitment. It’s a commitment from you – and it’s my commitment, too. Which is why you have my promise that the Capital Health Metabolic and Weight Loss Center team will do everything we can to help you succeed.

Weight loss surgery isn’t a cure for obesity. But for people who’ve tried and tried again, it can be life-changing. Long-term effort and follow-up care are keys to success, and I believe that’s what makes our approach so different.

Congratulations on taking the first step toward good health.

Jooyeun Chung, MD 