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Bariatric Surgery is Even More Effective and Safer Than Previously Thought….

Posted by Dr. Jooyeun Chung
December 23, 2013

In the latest issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from Washington University School of Medicine analyzed the data from 162,000 bariatric surgery patients in 164 studies over almost 10 years. They found that 92% of patients experienced diabetes remission after surgery. The remission rate for hypertension was about 75%. Also, 30-day mortality rate was 0.08%, down from 0.3% in 2004.

Nearly 136,000 patients underwent bariatric surgery in 2011 and we are going to see an increase in these numbers as more and more primary care physicians and society as a whole begin to understand how effective the surgery is.

So… if you have been struggling with your weight and are tired of yo-yo dieting, bariatric surgery might be the answer. Just something to think about as a present for yourself in 2014.