The Professional Practice model selected by the Capital Health nurses is one that keeps the core magnet principles at focus. The Nursing Theorist Capital Health emulates is Florence Nightingale owing to her vision of the nursing profession and assurance of positive patient outcomes through data collection.

Shared Governance
What does Shared Governance mean for Capital Health Nurses? Shared governance is defined as a management style that promotes nurse involvement in decisions that affect their practice by empowering nurses to contribute and participate in their work environment. A concept analysis of decisional involvement.
Our Councils
- Shared Accountability Coordinating Council (SACC)
- Education and Professional Development
- Nursing Practice Council
- Nursing Informatics
- Unit Based Practice
- Nursing Quality
- Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice
- Nurse Executive Committee (NEC)
- Patient Services Operations (PSO)
- Advanced Practice
- Nursing Professional Practice Council (NPPC)