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Raja Salem, MD Curriculum Vitae

Capital Health Surgical Group
Two Capital Way, Suite 356
Pennington, NJ 08534
Tel: 609-537-6000
Fax: 609-537-6002

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1981 - 1985 B.S. City College of New York, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education
Magna Cum Laude
1985 - 1987 M.D. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York
Postgraduate training and fellowship appointments
1987 - 1989 Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY, General Surgical Residency
1989 - 1990 Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, General Surgical Residency
1990 - 1993  Grace Hospital/Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, General Surgical Residency 
1994 - 1995  Cooper Hospital/Medical Center, Camden, NJ, Surgical Critical Care Fellowship 
1988 National Board of Medical Examiners
1994 American Board of Surgery (General Surgery)
1995 American Board of Surgery (Surgical Critical Care)
Additional training
1989 Advanced Cardiac Life Support
1990 Endoscopy Workshop, Michigan State University
1992 Advanced Trauma Life Support
1995  Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor 
1996  Ultrasound for the Trauma Surgeon 
Ramachandra, CR, Salem, RR, Metastatic Cancer of the Spinal Intradural 
Extramedullary Space, New York Journal of Medicine, Vol. 90, No. 11, 1990.
Zeitsman D, Quinn J, Salem R, Slotman GJ: Leukotrienes in the Systemic 
Inflammatory Response to Sepsis. Surgical Forum, 82nd Annual Clinical Congress, 
VoL XVII,p 67-69, 1996.
Salem R, Moncure M. Brathwaite CEM, Ye X, Ross SE: A New Scale for 
Grading Posttraumatic Sepsis in Rates. Submitted to the Journal of Investigative 
Moncure M, Salem R, Moncure K, Testaiuti M, Marburger R, Ye X, Brathwaite 
CEM, Ross SE: Central Nervous System Metabolic and Physiologic Effects of 
Laparoscopy. Submitted to The American Journal of Surgery.
Abstracts published
Leukotrienes Mediate Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction and Increased Eicosanoid and 
Cytokine Release During Graded Bacteremia, Salem R, Slotman GJ, Critical Care Medicine 1996(24)(4)A179.
An Evaluation of Apache III in a Population of Critically Injured Patients, Ross SE, O'Malley KO, Rehm C, Burns R, Wry P, Moncure M. Salem R, Brathwaite CEM, Bekes C. Ross E, Critical Care Medicine  1997(25)(1)A106. 

Salem, R, Slotman GJ, Leukotrienes Mediate Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction and Increased Eicosanoid and Cytokine Release During Graded Bacteremia. NJC-SCCM, New Brunswick, NJ, October 1995.

Salem R, Moncure M: A New Experimental Model of Acute Post-Injury Sepsis. NJC-SCCM, New Brunswick, NJ, October 1996.

Zeltsman D, Quinn J. Salem R, Slotman GJ: Leukotrienes in the Systemic Inflammatory Response to Sepsis. 82nd Annual Clinical Congress, American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, p 67-69, October 6-9, 1996.