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Academic Environment/Didactics

Learning Venues

Teaching takes place daily at bedside and during multiple didactic sessions as described below.

Afternoon Report

Weekdays between 3 and 4 p.m. This is an attending/chief resident-led discussion geared to reviewing pathophysiology and fundamentals of physical diagnosis with a focus on patient evaluation and clinical reasoning skills. The presentations are scheduled to include cases from the inpatient medical units, as well as interesting cases from residents in ambulatory care or elective rotations.

Noon Conferences

Weekdays between noon and 1 p.m. This daily conference is developed as a programmed yearly curriculum, focusing on the core concepts that have been selected by the Curriculum Committee as the critical components of the discipline of internal medicine. Conferences are presented by internists and subspecialty faculty. Noon Conference PowerPoint presentations are posted on New Innovations™ for residents to review as needed throughout training.

Management Review Conferences (MRC) and Clinico-Pathologic Conferences (CPC)

These are high quality, resident-run conferences held on Friday mornings. Residents present a case and then deliver a Grand Rounds-style lecture on the topic the case highlights. These conferences are approved for Category 1 CME credit for the participants.

Journal Club

A monthly conference during which the residents select and critically appraise articles published in major medical journals, the practical application of statistical methods, and presentation skills. This practice emphasizes the skills necessary to analyze and implement information conveyed in medical journals. Timely and clinically relevant articles are selected to illustrate core topics of evidence based medicine.

Morbidity and Mortality (M & M) Conferences

Patient care scenarios in which the outcome was unexpected are discussed in a multidisciplinary team setting. It is a self-reflection exercise to identify opportunities to improve patient care quality and safety and identify issues related to the systems of care.

Grand Rounds

With a mix of both external and local experts, our Grand Rounds cover a variety of topics in both general internal medicine as well as subspecialties.

Senior Conference Series

Senior internal medicine residents present an interesting case or topic to the fellow residents and faculty once a month during 3pm conferences.

Intern Boot Camp

A series of 30-minute sessions held in the beginning of the academic year address the most practical issue Interns have when beginning residency. Topics are selected by interns and senior residents. Senior residents present information in an informal format. Some topics include “Discharge Summaries,” “Effective Communication with Team Members,” “RRT/Code Blue,” and the Expectations of Intern’s Role.”

Bedside Attending Teaching Rounds

Daily bedside attending rounds are conducted with the entire team, where the art of history-taking and physical exam skills are refined, as well as the management of each patient case-by-case.

Interdisciplinary Rounds

Multiple disciplines come together informed by their clinical expertise to coordinate care, determine care priorities, establish daily goals, and identify safety risks and plans for potential transfer or discharge. These are held daily on Medicine and Surgical Medical units.

Internal Medicine Board Review Sessions

Led by program faculty, questions are selected from MKSAP. Sessions are conducted throughout the academic year at 3 p.m. conferences.

Patient Hand Over Process

Hand over is held three times a day to transition patients from daytime coverage to night coverage to morning coverage. It is a verbal and written/electronic face-to-face activity designed to provide a safe transition of all teaching patients to the next provider of care. These discussions are supervised by faculty, chief residents or senior residents.