Princeton Nassau Pediatrics, P.A.
Wellness Workshop Series: 8 Dimensions of Wellness When considering self-care and wellness, there is more than just the mind and body. Join us to explore the areas of our lives where we can seek wellness. The 8 Dimensions of Wellness was first develo.Healthier With Hope and Healing: Ordering Healthy Eating out can be a treat or a necessity on a busy day. However, knowing what to order when trying keep a healthy diet can be a challenge. Join us to discuss how to find healthy and delicious options .Healthier With Hope and Healing: Ordering Healthy June 17 2021
Art Workshop: Zentangle Similar to mandalas, Zentangle is a form of artistic meditation. This easy to learn technique results in beautiful drawings and a zen state of mind. By using intentionally placed dots, lines, curves,.Art Workshop: Zentangle June 24 2021
Supporting our Capital Health Family through India’s COVID-19 Crisis Please join Hope & Healing for a support session for our Capital Health family members that have been impacted by the continuing COVID-19 crisis in India. If you have been impacted by this crisis .Supporting our Capital Health Family through India’s COVID-19 Crisis May 27 2021
Princeton Child Health Conferences Child Health Conferences In partnership with the Princeton Health Department, Capital Health is proud to provide care to local children (ages 0-18) through Princet.