Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.


The consistent delivery of content, visual design, and user experience is paramount to maintaining the professionalism of our branded web experience.

Creating and managing content extends beyond the initial launch of a new website; it requires consistency of production and management of content and contributors across the website. It also requires that content on the website be in-line with branded messages, voice, tone and style in our publications, marketing materials and other communication vehicles.

Website brand, tone & style guide

The style guide was developed to maintain web content production and management consistency. It details the agreed-upon content guidelines and best practices for

  • Overview
  • Typefaces & Fonts
  • Images
  • Icons
  • Videos

Whether you are an employee, stakeholder, affiliate, partner, vendor or other stakeholder, please read this guide if you will be writing, editing or updating content on

Other style guidelines

We have some style guidelines we'd like you to keep in mind while creating content on our websites.

  • Do not over use use italics - it is often harder to read on web pages.
  • Do not over use bold on a page because it can be distracting and hard on a reader's eyes.
  • Avoid using underline if possible, because it can create confusion with users believing the text is hyperlinked when it is not.

For questions or concerns about content or content standards, please contact TBD.