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Auxiliary Service Projects and Grants

Service Projects

The following are the service projects of the Capital Health Auxiliary.

  • Care Packs for Kids: Provides comfort items to children participating in the CARES (Children Are Really Extra Special) Child Wellness Program and to Pediatric ER patients facing economic hardships or displacement.
  • Cookie Program for Oncology Patients: Offers snacks to patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Toy Closet: Provides toy packages to pediatric patients to ease the anxiety of hospital visits.
  • Family Health Clinic and Clothes4Change: Offers clothing and infant care items to patients and their families.
  • Farmers Market: Addresses food insecurity by providing healthy produce and staple items to clinic patients.
  • Memorial Garden: Sponsors the maintenance of the Memorial Garden at the Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell.
  • Mobile Library: Offers reading materials to patients at hospital campuses.
  • Tales for Tiny Tots: Promotes early literacy by providing a keepsake book to every baby born at Capital Health.

Grants/Health Initiatives

Congratulations to our 2025 grant recipients! The Auxiliary is proud to support these deserving programs.

  • Silent Disco System (Behavioral Health): -$1,568.78 to purchase two headphone sound systems. Patients can listen to three stations to help relieve anxiety, depression and PTSD. Studies have shown that using music as a coping mechanism can reduce the need for medications.
  • Bose Headset (Behavioral Health): $1,343 to purchase four wireless headsets to allow patients with limited English to listen to translators during group sessions. This will allow them to participate fully in group sessions.
  • Art Therapy Supplies (Behavioral Health): $2,021.10 to purchase crayons, modeling clay and notebooks to use for therapy. This will help patients open up and engage with their therapy in new ways, which enhances healing.
  • Cardiac Education Materials (Cardiac Rehabilitation): $1,500 to purchase various cardiac educational booklets in English and Spanish to hand out to patients. Also to purchase videos to be shown to patients to educate them on their diagnosis.
  • Lavender Cart (4M Surgical Care): $1,500 to purchase a cart with teas, oils and lotions to help relieve stress among staff at Capital Health. Similar programs have shown to improve compassionate care, collaboration and a sense of purpose among the nursing staff.
  • SIM Lab Equipment (EMS Training Center): $3,000 to purchase SIM Pad Plus units which are attached to Sim Manikins to practice real life scenarios during training. This equipment will improve overall patient care.
  • Sepsis Education Materials (Quality Department): $2,935 to provide educational materials and resources to increase recognition of sepsis. This will include signs, brochures and post cards containing valuable information, including signs to report to their doctor, reasons to complete antibiotic regimen, and how to find support with life after sepsis.
  • Mental Health Educational Materials (Behavioral Health): $2,000 to provide easy to read learning tools with answers to common mental health questions. This will help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and increase patient participation in resources available to them. Materials will be provided to Primary Care Offices and Specialty Care practices.
  • Art Cart (Volunteer Services): $2,000 to provide art supplies to patients to help relieve stress while undergoing treatment at Capital Health.
  • Comfort Cart (Volunteer Services): $2,000 to provide comfort items to patients while undergoing treatment at Capital Health, such as various hygiene products, reading glasses, neck pillows, etc.
  • Boppy Pillows (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit): $1,8880.28 to assist NICU moms with positioning baby for breast feeding. The pillows are reusable and will be left in the room for each mom.
  • Power Stair Chair (Fleet & Transportation): $2,664 to purchase a chair that has the ability to go up and down stairs. This will allow patients with fall risk a safe means of transportation and will allow for more regular and routine care. This will be used by Capital Health LIFE, a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).
  • HPV Awareness (Internal Medicine): $2,000 to produce educational materials in several languages to promote HPV Awareness.
  • Substance Intervention Support Services (SSIS): $900 to provide educational materials for weekly sessions to educate Spanish speaking and undocumented patients on substance and alcohol abuse.
  • Lifestyle Education and Equipment (Internal Medicine): $1,000 to purchase scales, glucometers, BP measuring devices, jump ropes and resistance bands to be given to patients. The patients will be part of a new healthy lifestyle education program.
  • Pedometers (Internal Medicine): $1,000 to purchase pedometers for underserved patients. This will promote increased activity among this patient population.

Special Gifts in 2024

  • Food Assistance Program (Cancer Center): $40,000
  • Hygiene Products (Dialysis): $5,000
  • Maternal Blood Pressure Cuffs (Institute for Urban Care): $10,000
  • Norix safe Doors and Attenda Bed (Behavioral Health): $18,079.88

Special Gifts in 2023

  • Food Assistance Program (Cancer Center): $25,000
  • LEAF Patient Monitoring System (Trauma Medical ICU): $75,000