Information Technology Security Incident

Click here for an updated notice about a data privacy incident at Capital Health.

Partner with Us

The Campaign for Capital HealthOur Campaign Goal

To achieve our vision, Capital Health is engaging our community of friends, partners, and neighbors who have stepped forward to lead us in recent years as we have transformed healthcare in Mercer County and beyond. Together, we will strive to generate $100 million in philanthropy through the Campaign for Capital Health.

Our Promise

Every dollar given or committed will be designated wholly toward our four campaign priorities as per each supporter’s stated specific goals — not toward administrative overhead, capital expenses, or clinical operations, just toward the stated intent of the donor.

Philanthropy has played and will continue to play a vital role in advancing Capital Health’s mission to improve and preserve health and well-being. Gifts directed to the Campaign for Capital Health will enable the redefinition of patient care in our region and make our vision a reality. Click here to make your gift today.

For more information or questions, contact 609-303-4121 or [email protected] to speak with Jennifer M. Antinoro, executive director of the Capital Health Foundation.