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Grace and Gratitude: Karen Roman’s Triumph Over Cancer

Karen RomanAs 2020 brought the world to its knees with a relentless pandemic, Karen Roman embarked upon a deeply personal challenge that would call upon her strength and courage. Her story is more than just a medical journey; it is an inspiring testament to human resilience, the transformative power of determination, and the healing power of exceptional medical professionals.

Karen’s journey began in early 2020, when months of unexplained weight loss led her to a conversation with her primary care doctor, Dr. Robert Remstein. Unconvinced that it was stress-related, he ordered a scan that eventually led her to Capital Health Cancer Center, where the diagnosis shook her to her core. “It was lung cancer.”

Her world reeled, but her spirit remained undaunted. Beginning treatment in October of 2020, she quickly learned that cancer's reach went beyond the physical. "Being told you have cancer will change you forever," she reflected. For many, this could be a breaking point, but Karen's strength was forged by the unwavering support of her husband and an empowering care team. A commitment to battle became her North Star. "I had 38 rounds of radiation coupled with chemotherapy."

The road was long and steep, but every step brought triumphs. After two months of treatment at Capital Health Cancer Center, Karen completed her final chemotherapy treatment on Christmas Eve. “The staff lined the hall to applaud me as I rang the bell. It was the best Christmas gift I could have asked for.”

While Karen welcomed the end of her chemotherapy and radiation treatments, the surgical phase loomed ahead, accompanied by concerns of potential loss. Her treatment plan required the removal of cancerous tissue in her lungs. “I went into surgery knowing that I would likely lose two or three ribs as well as the use of my right arm because the cancer was behind my chest wall,” said Karen.

Her husband, Michael, dropped Karen off at the hospital for surgery. They knew she was in the hands of a world class surgeon, Dr. Africa Wallace, at a hospital capable of providing the most advanced treatments possible. The outcome was better than they could have hoped for. “After my surgery, my husband received the call from Dr. Wallace that my ribs did not need to be removed, my right arm was not impacted, and the cancer was gone. I was in recovery and ready to live.” Seven weeks later, Karen defied expectations by resuming her work, inspiring those around her with her unwavering spirit.

While she was able to return to a relatively normal routine, Karen’s treatment continued. When concerning neurological symptoms began in November of 2021, she called Dr. Remstein. “I was walking across a parking lot with my husband and I couldn’t walk straight. I kept leaning to the right.” She was sent to Capital Health’s emergency room and admitted to the hospital.

A scan showed that Karen needed surgery to remove a tumor on her cerebellum. “I was introduced to Dr. Navid Redjal, the Director of Neurosurgical Oncology, who told me I needed brain surgery.” The Cancer Center's collaborative approach ensured Karen's care was both seamless and swift - Dr. Redjal performed her surgery four days later.

Once again, Karen’s unwavering determination shaped her recovery. “I was supposed to be in the hospital for seven days, but went home after three and started working again on day six.” Following her surgery, Dr. Redjal and Dr. Shirnett Williamson, Medical Director of Radiation Oncology Services, were able to continue treatment using the CyberKnife® system, a highly advanced surgical device that allows doctors to treat tumor sites with high doses of radiation delivered precisely to a specific area without having to make an incision, reducing recovery time and providing a better quality of life for patients.

Karen's gratitude for her recovery is profound. “The reason that I am fortunate enough to be living a full, rewarding life is because of the brilliant, compassionate, talented, kind, amazing, caring group of outstanding doctors and staff at the Capital Health Cancer Center who have been with me for the last two and a half years. They have given me hope, inspired me to keep moving and never give up, and believed with me that my life matters and is worth fighting for.”

The advanced treatment options offered by the Cancer Center allow patients like Karen to enjoy the same quality of life they had before their diagnosis. While she is still in treatment and has undergone subsequent CyberKnife® procedures, things have returned to normal – she is working full-time and looking forward to celebrating her 20- year wedding anniversary with her husband, Michael.

Capital Health Cancer Center takes pride in its patient-first approach, devising treatment plans that consider individual needs and goals. Throughout Karen’s treatment, the personalized care and support she has received from every staff member she has encountered has made a difference: "Thank you to the brilliant surgeons who forever changed my life and every staff member that I crossed paths with. In my most difficult moments, you made me feel so safe and more like a friend than a patient. My heart is filled with gratitude for each and every one of you."

To learn more about Capital Health Cancer Center, visit