The educational program has been developed from the philosophy and student learning outcomes of the School of Nursing. The program provides education and guidance for students in preparation for their delivery of comprehensive professional nursing care as graduate nurses.
Capital Health provides a cooperative nursing program with Mercer County Community College in which the graduate will receive a Diploma in nursing from Capital Health and an Associate in Science degree from Mercer County Community College. It is a progressive, fast paced curriculum composed of 40 credits in professional nursing courses and 30 general education credits.
The School offers three program options: Extended, Generic, and the LPN – RN.
- The Extended Program is typically three years and ideal for students who seek admission to the program directly from high school. This is accomplished by completing all of the required general education courses in the year prior to beginning the nursing course sequence. All required courses must be completed within a five-year time frame from date of admission.
- The Generic Program is two years full time, day program.
- LPN to RN Track Program is a ten month, full-time, day program for qualified LPN’s who wish to enter into NSG 136 (LPN Transition – Nursing through the Lifespan) and finish the nursing part of the program in ten months. Upon satisfactory completion of NSG 136, 16 credits will be granted for the LPN licensure.
Capital Health provides the primary clinical facility for the correlation of theory to practice for required nursing courses. It may be necessary to attend evening or weekend clinical sessions depending on facility availability. Additional clinical facilities are selected to provide a broad range of learning experiences to meet the curriculum objectives. At all times the clinical education is taught by Capital Health instructors.
When the student has successfully completed the planned program of studies, completed all planned comprehensive testing and pre-graduation requirements, and fulfilled all financial obligations, he/she is eligible for graduation. Graduates are then eligible to take the licensing examination, National Council of State Boards of Nursing Examination (NCLEX-RN), to become a registered nurse.
Click here for more information about the School's academic policies.