During orientation and at the beginning of each academic year, students are provided with an official Student Handbook for the purpose of informing the student of existing principles, policies and procedures of the School. Each student is required to sign a statement that he/she has read, understands and will adhere to the stated policies and principles.
Liability Insurance
All students are required to carry individual Professional Liability Insurance policies with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. Students must submit written documentation of coverage to the Freshman Faculty Coordinator annually. Information is available from the School of Nursing about Professional Liability Insurance, although students are not required to obtain coverage through any particular company.
Course Registration
Students are to register for all of their courses through the Student Affairs Coordinator at Capital Health School of Nursing – Regional Medical Center.
The curriculum is designed to provide for increasing levels of competency, requiring courses to be taken in a prescribed order. Any deviation from this schedule must be approved by the Academic Affairs and Advisement Committee and Administration. Requests for such deviations must be submitted in writing to the Student Affairs Coordinator.
All students intending to take courses at colleges other than Mercer County Community College should check with the Student Affairs Coordinator for approved courses or must submit an official course catalog description of each course before registering. Once registered, documentation of registration for co-requisite courses is required at the beginning of each semester and two copies of official college transcripts must be submitted at the end of each semester.
Sexual and Other Forms Of Harassment
Capital Health School of Nursing – Regional Medical Center is committed to fostering and maintaining an environment that is fair and free of any discrimination. Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
Sexual Harassment is defined as any unwelcome physical or verbal behavior of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment, or that makes individuals feel their status will be affected by their responses to such behavior, specifically when:
- Submission or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s status at the school; or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s educational performance.
Other forms of Harassment defined as any negative verbal or written statements that demean a person or persons because sex, race, religion, color, age, ethnic background, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability.
Students should seek resolution of situations which they consider to be sexual or gender harassment by following the procedure outlined in the Student Handbook.
Student Records Inspection and Disclosure
Capital Health School of Nursing – Regional Medical Center in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, also known as the Buckley Amendment, allows its students to inspect and review their official education records. These records are maintained by the School and are located in the School offices in Crean Hall. All questions regarding the implementation of the Act should be directed to the Registrar or the Director of the School.
Student’s education records contain documents submitted to gain admission to the School, grade transcripts, evaluations, official letters to the student, certifications, forms and other reports as directed by the requirements of the Faculty Organization. The Director, Student Affairs Coordinator and Registrar, Faculty and other authorized School of Nursing personnel may have access to these records for the purpose of education and guidance of students and to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities.
The confidentiality of students' education records is strictly maintained with the exception of "Directory Information" and except as specifically provided for by existing state and federal law. "Directory Information" is specifically defined to include only the following information: student's name, address, telephone number, field of study, dates of attendance, diploma granted, awards, participation in officially recognized activities and photograph. Note that the School will not withhold "Directory Information," including whether or not a diploma was granted, unless the student has previously submitted a specific written request to the Registrar instructing that "Directory Information" be withheld.
Release of all other personally identifiable information will only be made upon the specific written and dated request of the student, except as specifically provided for by existing state and federal law. Personally identifiable information will not be released over the telephone. A record of each such release of personally identifiable information, including the information released and the recipient of the information, will be maintained by the School and is available for review by the student.
The right to inspect and review education records does not extend to applicants, to those denied admission, or to individuals who do not actually enroll in the School.
Comments and complaints regarding students’ rights under the FERPA may be submitted in writing to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202-4605. The full School of Nursing Student Records Policy is available in the Student Handbook.
Traditional Ceremonies
Traditional symbolic ceremonies such as the Pinning Ceremony and Commencement continue to have deep meaning for students and alumni of Capital Health and are part of our heritage. Commencement provides an opportunity for the entire school as well as families to share in the presentation of each graduating class. Commencement exercises are held annually in May.
All students are required to attend these scheduled ceremonies dressed in appropriate uniform or attire as indicated by administration.