Information Technology Security Incident

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Davell Cheston, BA

Trauma Outreach Specialist, VICTORY Program

Davell Cheston is a dedicated Trauma Outreach Specialist for Capital Health's Violence Intervention for the Community Through Outreach Recovery (VICTORY) Program. With a BA in Sociology from Caldwell College, Davell has a passion for helping individuals enhance their quality of life. Her journey at Capital Health began in 2017 as a Patient Experience Representative, and since then, she has been dedicated to making a positive impact on patient experiences.

When Davell isn't working tirelessly to make a difference in patients’ lives, she cherishes time spent with her children and indulges in retail therapy. Her unwavering commitment to helping others and her enthusiasm for enhancing patient experiences make her an indispensable part of the Capital Health team. Davell Cheston is a shining example of dedication, compassion, and expertise.